
Data from Czech census in year 2011 by four main topics. The data are provided at various aggregation levels that can be filtered.

Use package czso and specifically function czso::czso_get_table(dataset_id) to obtain the data and czso::czso_get_table_schema(dataset_id) to get the columns description. The values for specific datasets of census are "SLDB-VYBER", "sldbdomy", "sldbdomac", "sldbvyjizdka".

load_SLDB_2011(type = "obyvatelstvo", load_names = TRUE)

load_SLDB_2011_col_explanations(type = "obyvatelstvo")



type of requested information as character. Default value is "obyvatelstvo". See details for more.


boolean value if the column names should be loaded from external source. Default TRUE as the column names do no make any sense otherwise.


data.frame containg the requested data


Types of data that can be downloaded, and used as type parameter in the function call:

  1. "obyvatelstvo"

  2. "domy-byty"

  3. "domacnosti"

  4. "vyjizdka"


  • load_SLDB_2011: Load the data

  • load_SLDB_2011_col_explanations: Get names of columns for SLDB of specific type as data.frame

Information about dataset

More detailed information about data can be found at the provider's website https://www.czso.cz/csu/sldb.


if (FALSE) {
    sldb <- load_SLDB_2011(type = "obyvatelstvo")