Module FuzzyMath.class_fuzzy_number
Fuzzy number class
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"""Fuzzy number class"""
from __future__ import annotations
from bisect import bisect_left
from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
from enum import Enum, auto
from types import BuiltinFunctionType, FunctionType
from typing import Callable, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from .class_interval import Interval
from .class_memberships import FuzzyMembership, PossibilisticMembership
from .class_precision import FuzzyMathPrecision
class AlphaCutSide(Enum):
"""Simple Enum that determines if alpha cut side is minimum or maximum."""
MIN = auto()
MAX = auto()
class FuzzyNumber:
Fuzzy number representation.
_alpha_cuts: List[Interval]
List of Intervals representing alpha cuts.
_alphas: Sequence[Union[Decimal, float, str, int]]
List of alpha values.
__slots__ = ("_alpha_cuts", "_alphas")
def __init__(self, alphas: Sequence[Union[Decimal, float, str, int]], alpha_cuts: List[Interval]):
Basic creator for the class. But generally it is more useful to use functions `FuzzyNumberFactory.triangular()`,
`FuzzyNumberFactory.trapezoidal()`, `FuzzyNumberFactory.crisp_number()` or
`FuzzyNumberFactory.parse_string()` instead of this function.
alphas: List[Decimal]
alpha_cuts: List[Interval]
if not isinstance(alphas, List):
raise TypeError(f"`alphas` must be a list. It is `{type(alphas).__name__}`.")
if not isinstance(alpha_cuts, List):
raise TypeError(f"`alpha_cuts` must be a list. It is `{type(alphas).__name__}`.")
if len(alphas) != len(alpha_cuts):
raise ValueError(
f"Lists `alphas` and `alpha_cuts` must be of same length. "
f"Currently the lengths are {len(alphas)} and {len(alpha_cuts)}."
for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas):
alphas[i] = self._validate_alpha(alpha)
if len(alphas) != len(set(alphas)):
raise ValueError("Values in `alphas` are not unique.")
if 0 not in alphas or 1 not in alphas:
raise ValueError("`alphas` must contain both 0 and 1 alpha value.")
for alpha_cut in alpha_cuts:
if not isinstance(alpha_cut, Interval):
raise TypeError("All elements of `alpha_cuts` must be Interval.")
self._alpha_cuts = dict(zip(alphas, alpha_cuts))
self._alphas = sorted(self._alpha_cuts.keys())
previous_interval: Interval = Interval(float("nan"), float("nan"))
for alpha in self.alpha_levels:
if not previous_interval.is_empty:
if self.get_alpha_cut(alpha) not in previous_interval:
raise ValueError(
"Interval on lower alpha level has to contain the higher level alpha cuts."
f"This does not hold for {previous_interval} and {self.get_alpha_cut(alpha)}."
previous_interval = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha)
if not (self._alphas[0] == 0, self._alphas[-1] == 1):
raise ValueError(
"The lowest alpha level has to be 0 and the highest alpha level has to be 1."
f"This does not hold for {self._alphas[0]} and {self._alphas[-1]}."
def alpha_levels(self) -> List[Decimal]:
Alpha levels for this fuzzy number.
return self._alphas
def alpha_cuts(self) -> List[Interval]:
Alpha cuts (intervals) for this fuzzy number.
return list(self._alpha_cuts.values())
def min(self) -> Decimal:
Minimal value of this fuzzy number.
return self.get_alpha_cut(0).min
def max(self) -> Decimal:
Maximal value of this fuzzy number.
return self.get_alpha_cut(0).max
def kernel(self) -> Interval:
Kernel (alpha cut with membership value 1) for this fuzzy number.
return self.get_alpha_cut(1)
def kernel_min(self) -> Decimal:
Minimal kernel value of this fuzzy number.
return self.kernel.min
def kernel_max(self) -> Decimal:
Maximal kernel value of this fuzzy number.
return self.kernel.max
def get_alpha_cut(self, alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal]) -> Interval:
Extracts alpha cut specified by `alpha` variable.
alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal]
Value of alpha to extract alpha cut for. Must be from range [0, 1].
alpha = self._validate_alpha(alpha)
if alpha in self.alpha_levels:
return self._alpha_cuts.get(alpha) # type: ignore [return-value]
return self._calculate_alpha_cut(alpha)
def _validate_alpha(alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal]) -> Decimal:
Validates value of of alpha. Must be from range [0, 1].
alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal]
Alpha to validate.
If `alpha` is not from range [0, 1].
If `alpha` is not int or float.
if not isinstance(alpha, (str, int, float, Decimal)):
raise TypeError("`alpha` must be Decimal, int, float or str.")
if not isinstance(alpha, Decimal):
alpha = FuzzyMathPrecision.prepare_alpha(Decimal(alpha))
except InvalidOperation as e:
raise InvalidOperation(f"Cannot convert alpha value `{alpha}` to number.") from e
if not 0 <= alpha <= 1:
raise ValueError("`alpha` must be from range [0,1].")
return alpha
def _calculate_alpha_cut(self, alpha: Union[Decimal, float]) -> Interval:
Calculates alpha cut for given alpha.
alpha: Union[float, Decimal]
Alpha to calculate the alpha cut for.
position = bisect_left(self._alphas, alpha)
x1 = self._alpha_cuts.get(self.alpha_levels[position - 1]).min # type: ignore [union-attr]
y1 = self.alpha_levels[position - 1]
x2 = self._alpha_cuts.get(self.alpha_levels[position]).min # type: ignore [union-attr]
y2 = self.alpha_levels[position]
if x1 == x2:
a = x1
k = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2)
q = y1 - k * x1
a = (Decimal(alpha) - q) / k
x1 = self._alpha_cuts.get(self.alpha_levels[position - 1]).max # type: ignore [union-attr]
y1 = self.alpha_levels[position - 1]
x2 = self._alpha_cuts.get(self.alpha_levels[position]).max # type: ignore [union-attr]
y2 = self.alpha_levels[position]
if x1 == x2:
b = x1
k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
q = y1 - k * x1
b = (Decimal(alpha) - q) / k
return Interval(min(a, b), max(a, b))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
Complete representation of fuzzy number.
string = ""
for alpha in self._alphas:
string = string + f"({alpha};{self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).min},{self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).max})"
return string
def __str__(self) -> str:
Simplified representation of fuzzy number.
string = (
f"Fuzzy number with support ({self.min},{self.max}), kernel ({self.kernel_min}, {self.kernel_max}) "
f"and {len(self.alpha_levels) - 2} more alpha-cuts."
return string
def __contains__(self, item) -> bool:
interval = self.get_alpha_cut(0)
if isinstance(item, (int, float)):
return interval.min <= item <= interval.max
elif isinstance(item, Interval):
return interval.min <= item.min and interval.max <= self.max
elif isinstance(item, FuzzyNumber):
return interval.min <= item.get_alpha_cut(0).min and item.get_alpha_cut(0).max <= interval.max
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot test if object of type `{type(item).__name__}` is in FuzzyNumber. Only implemented for "
"`float`, `int`, `Interval` and `FuzzyNumber`."
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, FuzzyNumber):
return self.max < other.min
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return self.max < other
return NotImplemented
def __gt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, FuzzyNumber):
return self.min > other.max
elif isinstance(other, (int, float)):
return self.min > other
return NotImplemented
def get_alpha_cut_values(number_of_parts: int) -> List[Decimal]:
Returns alpha cut values for given number of parts.
number_of_parts: int
Number of alpha cuts to be returned.
List of Decimal representing alphas.
if not isinstance(number_of_parts, int) or number_of_parts <= 1:
raise ValueError(
"`number_of_cuts` has to be integer and higher than 1. "
f"It is of type `{type(number_of_parts).__name__}` and value `{number_of_parts}`."
number_of_parts = int(number_of_parts)
values = [Decimal(0)] * number_of_parts
i = 0
while i <= number_of_parts - 1:
values[i] = FuzzyMathPrecision.prepare_alpha(Decimal(i) / (Decimal(number_of_parts) - Decimal(1)))
i += 1
return values
def __add__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber:
if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)):
return NotImplemented
return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__add__)
def __radd__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber:
return self + other
def __mul__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber:
if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)):
return NotImplemented
return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__mul__)
def __rmul__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber:
return self * other
def __sub__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber:
if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)):
return NotImplemented
return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__sub__)
def __rsub__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber:
if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)):
return NotImplemented
return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__rsub__)
def __truediv__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber:
if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)):
return NotImplemented
if isinstance(other, FuzzyNumber):
if 0 in other:
raise ArithmeticError("Cannot divide by FuzzyNumber that contains 0.")
if isinstance(other, (int, float)) and other == 0:
raise ArithmeticError("Cannot divide by 0.")
return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__truediv__)
def __rtruediv__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber:
if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)):
return NotImplemented
if 0 in self:
raise ArithmeticError("Cannot divide by FuzzyNumber that contains 0.")
return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__rtruediv__)
def __pow__(self, power) -> FuzzyNumber:
return self._iterate_alphas_one_value(self, Interval.__pow__, power)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
list_values = [Decimal(0)] * (len(self.alpha_levels) * 2)
i = 0
for alpha in self.alpha_levels:
interval = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha)
list_values[i] = interval.min
list_values[i + 1] = interval.max
i += 2
return hash(tuple(list_values))
def __eq__(self, other) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, FuzzyNumber):
alpha_levels = self.alpha_levels == other.alpha_levels
alpha_cuts = list(self.alpha_cuts) == list(other.alpha_cuts)
return alpha_levels and alpha_cuts
return NotImplemented
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.alpha_cuts)
def possibility_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415
return possibility_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def necessity_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415
return necessity_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415
return exceedance(self, fn_other)
def possibility_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415
return possibility_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def necessity_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415
return necessity_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415
return strict_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def possibility_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415
return possibility_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def necessity_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415
return necessity_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415
return undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def possibility_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415
return possibility_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def necessity_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415
return necessity_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116
from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415
return strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def apply_function(
self, function: Callable, *args, monotone: bool = False, number_elements: int = 1000, **kwargs
) -> FuzzyNumber:
Apply mathematical function to fuzzy number.
function: (FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType)
Function to apply to fuzzy number.
Positional arguments for the `function`.
monotone: bool
Is the function monotone? Default `False`. If `True` can significantly speed up calculation.
number_elements: int
Number of elements to divide fuzzy number into, if the function is not monotone. Default is `1000`.
Named arguments to pass into `function`.
New `FuzzyNumber`.
if not isinstance(function, (FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType)):
raise ValueError(
"`function` must be either `FunctionType` or `BuiltinFunctionType`. `function` currently "
f"is `{type(function)}`."
if not isinstance(number_elements, (int, float)):
raise ValueError(
"`number_elements` must be either `int` or `float`. `number_elements` is currently "
if not isinstance(monotone, bool):
raise ValueError(f"`monotone` must be `bool`. `monotone` is currently `{monotone}`.")
intervals: List[Interval] = []
alpha_levels = list(self.alpha_levels)
width = self.max - self.min
i = 0
for alpha in alpha_levels:
alpha_width = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).max - self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).min
number_elements_cut = (alpha_width / width) * number_elements
interval = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).apply_function(
function, *args, monotone=monotone, number_elements=number_elements_cut, **kwargs
if i != 0:
interval = interval.union_hull(intervals[i - 1])
i += 1
return FuzzyNumber(self.alpha_levels, intervals)
def _iterate_alphas_one_value(x: FuzzyNumber, operation: Callable, *args) -> FuzzyNumber:
if not callable(operation):
raise TypeError(f"`operation` needs to be a function. It is `{type(operation).__name__}`.")
alphas, intervals = FuzzyNumber.__prepare_alphas_intervals(x.alpha_levels)
i = 0
for alpha in alphas:
intervals[i] = operation(x.get_alpha_cut(alpha), *args)
i += 1
return FuzzyNumber(alphas, intervals)
def _iterate_alphas_two_values(x, y, operation: Callable) -> FuzzyNumber:
if not isinstance(operation, FunctionType):
raise TypeError(f"`operation` needs to be a function. It is `{type(operation).__name__}`.")
fuzzy_x = isinstance(x, FuzzyNumber)
fuzzy_y = isinstance(y, FuzzyNumber)
if fuzzy_x and fuzzy_y:
alphas, intervals = FuzzyNumber.__prepare_alphas_intervals(x.alpha_levels, y.alpha_levels)
elif fuzzy_x:
alphas, intervals = FuzzyNumber.__prepare_alphas_intervals(x.alpha_levels)
elif fuzzy_y:
alphas, intervals = FuzzyNumber.__prepare_alphas_intervals(y.alpha_levels)
raise RuntimeError("At least one argument has to be `FuzzyNumber`.")
i = 0
for alpha in alphas:
if fuzzy_x and fuzzy_y:
intervals[i] = operation(x.get_alpha_cut(alpha), y.get_alpha_cut(alpha))
elif fuzzy_x:
intervals[i] = operation(x.get_alpha_cut(alpha), y)
elif fuzzy_y:
intervals[i] = operation(x, y.get_alpha_cut(alpha))
i += 1
return FuzzyNumber(alphas, intervals)
def __get_cuts_values(
alphas: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment]
order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False,
value_type: AlphaCutSide = AlphaCutSide.MIN,
) -> List[Decimal]:
if alphas is None:
alphas = self.alpha_levels
values = [Decimal(0)] * len(alphas)
for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas):
if value_type == AlphaCutSide.MIN:
values[i] = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).min
elif value_type == AlphaCutSide.MAX:
values[i] = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).max
if order_by_alphas_from_one:
return values
def get_alpha_cuts_mins(
alphas: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment]
order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False,
) -> List[Decimal]:
Extract minimal values of provided alpha cuts as list.
alphas: List[Decimal]
Alphas to extract values for.
order_by_alphas_from_one: bool
Order alphas from one (highest) to zero (lowest)? Default is `False`, which means that ordering is lowest
(0) to highest (1).
return self.__get_cuts_values(
def get_alpha_cuts_maxs(
alphas: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment]
order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False,
) -> List[Decimal]:
Extract maximal values of provided alpha cuts as list.
alphas: List[Decimal]
Alphas to extract values for.
order_by_alphas_from_one: bool
Order alphas from one (highest) to zero (lowest)? Default is `False`, which means that ordering is lowest
(0) to highest (1).
return self.__get_cuts_values(
def _prepare_alphas(alpha_levels1: List[Decimal], alpha_levels2: List[Decimal]) -> List[Decimal]:
Prepares list of alphas based on two input lists of alphas by selecting only distinct alpha values.
alpha_levels1: List[Decimal]
alpha_levels2: List[Decimal]
alphas = sorted(list(set.union(set(alpha_levels1), set(alpha_levels2))))
return alphas
def __prepare_alphas_intervals(
alpha_levels1: List[Decimal],
alpha_levels2: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment]
) -> Tuple[List[Decimal], List[Interval]]:
Prepares list of alphas and list of empty `Interval`s for provided alpha levels.
alpha_levels1: List[Decimal]
alpha_levels2: List[Decimal]
(List[Decimal], List[Interval])
List of alpha values and list of empty intervals prepared for further use.
if alpha_levels2 is None:
alphas = sorted(list(set(alpha_levels1)))
alphas = FuzzyNumber._prepare_alphas(alpha_levels1, alpha_levels2)
intervals = [Interval(float("nan"), float("nan"))] * len(alphas)
return alphas, intervals
def membership(self, value: Union[float, int, Decimal]) -> FuzzyMembership:
Get membership of value to this fuzzy number.
value: Union[float, int, Decimal]
Value to determine membership for.
value (Union[float, int, Decimal]): Value to determine membership for.
If value is not integer, float or Decimal.
if not isinstance(value, (int, float, Decimal)):
raise TypeError(
f"Cannot get membership of `{type(value).__name__}` in FuzzyNumber. Only implemented for "
"`float`, `int`."
if value not in self:
return FuzzyMembership(0)
elif self.kernel_min <= value <= self.kernel_max:
return FuzzyMembership(1)
last_alpha_containing = int(0)
for i in range(len(self)):
if value in self.alpha_cuts[i]:
last_alpha_containing = i
y1 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing]
y2 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing + 1]
if (
self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min <= value
and value <= self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min
x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min
x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min
x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].max
x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].max
k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
q = y1 - (k * x1)
return FuzzyMembership((k * Decimal(value)) + q)
y1 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing]
y2 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing + 1]
if (
self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min <= value
and value <= self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min
x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min
x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min
x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].max
x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].max
k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
q = y1 - (k * x1)
return FuzzyMembership((k * Decimal(value)) + q)
class AlphaCutSide (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)
Simple Enum that determines if alpha cut side is minimum or maximum.
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class AlphaCutSide(Enum): """Simple Enum that determines if alpha cut side is minimum or maximum.""" MIN = auto() MAX = auto()
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var MAX
var MIN
class FuzzyNumber (alphas: Sequence[Union[Decimal, float, str, int]], alpha_cuts: List[Interval])
Fuzzy number representation. … Attributes
- List of Intervals representing alpha cuts.
:Sequence[Union[Decimal, float, str, int]]
- List of alpha values.
Basic creator for the class. But generally it is more useful to use functions
instead of this function.Parameters
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class FuzzyNumber: """ Fuzzy number representation. ... Attributes ---------- _alpha_cuts: List[Interval] List of Intervals representing alpha cuts. _alphas: Sequence[Union[Decimal, float, str, int]] List of alpha values. """ __slots__ = ("_alpha_cuts", "_alphas") def __init__(self, alphas: Sequence[Union[Decimal, float, str, int]], alpha_cuts: List[Interval]): """ Basic creator for the class. But generally it is more useful to use functions `FuzzyNumberFactory.triangular()`, `FuzzyNumberFactory.trapezoidal()`, `FuzzyNumberFactory.crisp_number()` or `FuzzyNumberFactory.parse_string()` instead of this function. Parameters ---------- alphas: List[Decimal] alpha_cuts: List[Interval] """ if not isinstance(alphas, List): raise TypeError(f"`alphas` must be a list. It is `{type(alphas).__name__}`.") if not isinstance(alpha_cuts, List): raise TypeError(f"`alpha_cuts` must be a list. It is `{type(alphas).__name__}`.") if len(alphas) != len(alpha_cuts): raise ValueError( f"Lists `alphas` and `alpha_cuts` must be of same length. " f"Currently the lengths are {len(alphas)} and {len(alpha_cuts)}." ) for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas): alphas[i] = self._validate_alpha(alpha) if len(alphas) != len(set(alphas)): raise ValueError("Values in `alphas` are not unique.") if 0 not in alphas or 1 not in alphas: raise ValueError("`alphas` must contain both 0 and 1 alpha value.") for alpha_cut in alpha_cuts: if not isinstance(alpha_cut, Interval): raise TypeError("All elements of `alpha_cuts` must be Interval.") self._alpha_cuts = dict(zip(alphas, alpha_cuts)) self._alphas = sorted(self._alpha_cuts.keys()) previous_interval: Interval = Interval(float("nan"), float("nan")) for alpha in self.alpha_levels: if not previous_interval.is_empty: if self.get_alpha_cut(alpha) not in previous_interval: raise ValueError( "Interval on lower alpha level has to contain the higher level alpha cuts." f"This does not hold for {previous_interval} and {self.get_alpha_cut(alpha)}." ) previous_interval = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha) if not (self._alphas[0] == 0, self._alphas[-1] == 1): raise ValueError( "The lowest alpha level has to be 0 and the highest alpha level has to be 1." f"This does not hold for {self._alphas[0]} and {self._alphas[-1]}." ) @property def alpha_levels(self) -> List[Decimal]: """ Alpha levels for this fuzzy number. Returns ------- List[Decimal] """ return self._alphas @property def alpha_cuts(self) -> List[Interval]: """ Alpha cuts (intervals) for this fuzzy number. Returns ------- List[Interval] """ return list(self._alpha_cuts.values()) @property def min(self) -> Decimal: """ Minimal value of this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Decimal """ return self.get_alpha_cut(0).min @property def max(self) -> Decimal: """ Maximal value of this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Decimal """ return self.get_alpha_cut(0).max @property def kernel(self) -> Interval: """ Kernel (alpha cut with membership value 1) for this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Interval """ return self.get_alpha_cut(1) @property def kernel_min(self) -> Decimal: """ Minimal kernel value of this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Decimal """ return self.kernel.min @property def kernel_max(self) -> Decimal: """ Maximal kernel value of this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Decimal """ return self.kernel.max def get_alpha_cut(self, alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal]) -> Interval: """ Extracts alpha cut specified by `alpha` variable. Parameters ---------- alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal] Value of alpha to extract alpha cut for. Must be from range [0, 1]. Returns ------- Interval """ alpha = self._validate_alpha(alpha) if alpha in self.alpha_levels: return self._alpha_cuts.get(alpha) # type: ignore [return-value] else: return self._calculate_alpha_cut(alpha) @staticmethod def _validate_alpha(alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal]) -> Decimal: """ Validates value of of alpha. Must be from range [0, 1]. Parameters ---------- alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal] Alpha to validate. Raises ------- ValueError If `alpha` is not from range [0, 1]. TypeError If `alpha` is not int or float. Returns ------- Decimal """ if not isinstance(alpha, (str, int, float, Decimal)): raise TypeError("`alpha` must be Decimal, int, float or str.") if not isinstance(alpha, Decimal): try: alpha = FuzzyMathPrecision.prepare_alpha(Decimal(alpha)) except InvalidOperation as e: raise InvalidOperation(f"Cannot convert alpha value `{alpha}` to number.") from e if not 0 <= alpha <= 1: raise ValueError("`alpha` must be from range [0,1].") return alpha def _calculate_alpha_cut(self, alpha: Union[Decimal, float]) -> Interval: """ Calculates alpha cut for given alpha. Parameters ---------- alpha: Union[float, Decimal] Alpha to calculate the alpha cut for. Returns ------- Interval """ position = bisect_left(self._alphas, alpha) x1 = self._alpha_cuts.get(self.alpha_levels[position - 1]).min # type: ignore [union-attr] y1 = self.alpha_levels[position - 1] x2 = self._alpha_cuts.get(self.alpha_levels[position]).min # type: ignore [union-attr] y2 = self.alpha_levels[position] if x1 == x2: a = x1 else: k = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2) q = y1 - k * x1 a = (Decimal(alpha) - q) / k x1 = self._alpha_cuts.get(self.alpha_levels[position - 1]).max # type: ignore [union-attr] y1 = self.alpha_levels[position - 1] x2 = self._alpha_cuts.get(self.alpha_levels[position]).max # type: ignore [union-attr] y2 = self.alpha_levels[position] if x1 == x2: b = x1 else: k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) q = y1 - k * x1 b = (Decimal(alpha) - q) / k return Interval(min(a, b), max(a, b)) def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Complete representation of fuzzy number. Returns ------- str """ string = "" for alpha in self._alphas: string = string + f"({alpha};{self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).min},{self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).max})" return string def __str__(self) -> str: """ Simplified representation of fuzzy number. Returns ------- str """ string = ( f"Fuzzy number with support ({self.min},{self.max}), kernel ({self.kernel_min}, {self.kernel_max}) " f"and {len(self.alpha_levels) - 2} more alpha-cuts." ) return string def __contains__(self, item) -> bool: interval = self.get_alpha_cut(0) if isinstance(item, (int, float)): return interval.min <= item <= interval.max elif isinstance(item, Interval): return interval.min <= item.min and interval.max <= self.max elif isinstance(item, FuzzyNumber): return interval.min <= item.get_alpha_cut(0).min and item.get_alpha_cut(0).max <= interval.max else: raise TypeError( f"Cannot test if object of type `{type(item).__name__}` is in FuzzyNumber. Only implemented for " "`float`, `int`, `Interval` and `FuzzyNumber`." ) def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, FuzzyNumber): return self.max < other.min elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): return self.max < other else: return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, FuzzyNumber): return self.min > other.max elif isinstance(other, (int, float)): return self.min > other else: return NotImplemented @staticmethod def get_alpha_cut_values(number_of_parts: int) -> List[Decimal]: """ Returns alpha cut values for given number of parts. Parameters ---------- number_of_parts: int Number of alpha cuts to be returned. Returns ------- List[Decimal] List of Decimal representing alphas. """ if not isinstance(number_of_parts, int) or number_of_parts <= 1: raise ValueError( "`number_of_cuts` has to be integer and higher than 1. " f"It is of type `{type(number_of_parts).__name__}` and value `{number_of_parts}`." ) number_of_parts = int(number_of_parts) values = [Decimal(0)] * number_of_parts i = 0 while i <= number_of_parts - 1: values[i] = FuzzyMathPrecision.prepare_alpha(Decimal(i) / (Decimal(number_of_parts) - Decimal(1))) i += 1 return values def __add__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber: if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)): return NotImplemented return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__add__) def __radd__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber: return self + other def __mul__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber: if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)): return NotImplemented return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__mul__) def __rmul__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber: return self * other def __sub__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber: if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)): return NotImplemented return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__sub__) def __rsub__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber: if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)): return NotImplemented return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__rsub__) def __truediv__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber: if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)): return NotImplemented if isinstance(other, FuzzyNumber): if 0 in other: raise ArithmeticError("Cannot divide by FuzzyNumber that contains 0.") if isinstance(other, (int, float)) and other == 0: raise ArithmeticError("Cannot divide by 0.") return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__truediv__) def __rtruediv__(self, other) -> FuzzyNumber: if not isinstance(other, (int, float, FuzzyNumber)): return NotImplemented if 0 in self: raise ArithmeticError("Cannot divide by FuzzyNumber that contains 0.") return self._iterate_alphas_two_values(self, other, Interval.__rtruediv__) def __pow__(self, power) -> FuzzyNumber: return self._iterate_alphas_one_value(self, Interval.__pow__, power) def __hash__(self) -> int: list_values = [Decimal(0)] * (len(self.alpha_levels) * 2) i = 0 for alpha in self.alpha_levels: interval = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha) list_values[i] = interval.min list_values[i + 1] = interval.max i += 2 return hash(tuple(list_values)) def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if isinstance(other, FuzzyNumber): alpha_levels = self.alpha_levels == other.alpha_levels alpha_cuts = list(self.alpha_cuts) == list(other.alpha_cuts) return alpha_levels and alpha_cuts else: return NotImplemented def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.alpha_cuts) def possibility_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return possibility_exceedance(self, fn_other) def necessity_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return necessity_exceedance(self, fn_other) def exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return exceedance(self, fn_other) def possibility_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return possibility_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other) def necessity_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return necessity_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other) def strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return strict_exceedance(self, fn_other) def possibility_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return possibility_undervaluation(self, fn_other) def necessity_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return necessity_undervaluation(self, fn_other) def undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return undervaluation(self, fn_other) def possibility_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return possibility_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other) def necessity_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return necessity_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other) def strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other) def apply_function( self, function: Callable, *args, monotone: bool = False, number_elements: int = 1000, **kwargs ) -> FuzzyNumber: """ Apply mathematical function to fuzzy number. Parameters ---------- function: (FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType) Function to apply to fuzzy number. args Positional arguments for the `function`. monotone: bool Is the function monotone? Default `False`. If `True` can significantly speed up calculation. number_elements: int Number of elements to divide fuzzy number into, if the function is not monotone. Default is `1000`. kwargs Named arguments to pass into `function`. Returns ------- FuzzyNumber New `FuzzyNumber`. """ if not isinstance(function, (FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType)): raise ValueError( "`function` must be either `FunctionType` or `BuiltinFunctionType`. `function` currently " f"is `{type(function)}`." ) if not isinstance(number_elements, (int, float)): raise ValueError( "`number_elements` must be either `int` or `float`. `number_elements` is currently " f"`{type(number_elements)}`." ) if not isinstance(monotone, bool): raise ValueError(f"`monotone` must be `bool`. `monotone` is currently `{monotone}`.") intervals: List[Interval] = [] alpha_levels = list(self.alpha_levels) alpha_levels.reverse() width = self.max - self.min i = 0 for alpha in alpha_levels: alpha_width = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).max - self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).min number_elements_cut = (alpha_width / width) * number_elements interval = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).apply_function( function, *args, monotone=monotone, number_elements=number_elements_cut, **kwargs ) if i != 0: interval = interval.union_hull(intervals[i - 1]) intervals.append(interval) i += 1 intervals.reverse() return FuzzyNumber(self.alpha_levels, intervals) @staticmethod def _iterate_alphas_one_value(x: FuzzyNumber, operation: Callable, *args) -> FuzzyNumber: if not callable(operation): raise TypeError(f"`operation` needs to be a function. It is `{type(operation).__name__}`.") alphas, intervals = FuzzyNumber.__prepare_alphas_intervals(x.alpha_levels) i = 0 for alpha in alphas: intervals[i] = operation(x.get_alpha_cut(alpha), *args) i += 1 return FuzzyNumber(alphas, intervals) @staticmethod def _iterate_alphas_two_values(x, y, operation: Callable) -> FuzzyNumber: if not isinstance(operation, FunctionType): raise TypeError(f"`operation` needs to be a function. It is `{type(operation).__name__}`.") fuzzy_x = isinstance(x, FuzzyNumber) fuzzy_y = isinstance(y, FuzzyNumber) if fuzzy_x and fuzzy_y: alphas, intervals = FuzzyNumber.__prepare_alphas_intervals(x.alpha_levels, y.alpha_levels) elif fuzzy_x: alphas, intervals = FuzzyNumber.__prepare_alphas_intervals(x.alpha_levels) elif fuzzy_y: alphas, intervals = FuzzyNumber.__prepare_alphas_intervals(y.alpha_levels) else: raise RuntimeError("At least one argument has to be `FuzzyNumber`.") i = 0 for alpha in alphas: if fuzzy_x and fuzzy_y: intervals[i] = operation(x.get_alpha_cut(alpha), y.get_alpha_cut(alpha)) elif fuzzy_x: intervals[i] = operation(x.get_alpha_cut(alpha), y) elif fuzzy_y: intervals[i] = operation(x, y.get_alpha_cut(alpha)) i += 1 return FuzzyNumber(alphas, intervals) def __get_cuts_values( self, alphas: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment] order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False, value_type: AlphaCutSide = AlphaCutSide.MIN, ) -> List[Decimal]: if alphas is None: alphas = self.alpha_levels else: alphas.sort() values = [Decimal(0)] * len(alphas) for i, alpha in enumerate(alphas): if value_type == AlphaCutSide.MIN: values[i] = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).min elif value_type == AlphaCutSide.MAX: values[i] = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).max if order_by_alphas_from_one: values.reverse() return values def get_alpha_cuts_mins( self, alphas: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment] order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False, ) -> List[Decimal]: """ Extract minimal values of provided alpha cuts as list. Parameters ---------- alphas: List[Decimal] Alphas to extract values for. order_by_alphas_from_one: bool Order alphas from one (highest) to zero (lowest)? Default is `False`, which means that ordering is lowest (0) to highest (1). Returns ------- List[Decimal] """ return self.__get_cuts_values( alphas=alphas, order_by_alphas_from_one=order_by_alphas_from_one, value_type=AlphaCutSide.MIN, ) def get_alpha_cuts_maxs( self, alphas: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment] order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False, ) -> List[Decimal]: """ Extract maximal values of provided alpha cuts as list. Parameters ---------- alphas: List[Decimal] Alphas to extract values for. order_by_alphas_from_one: bool Order alphas from one (highest) to zero (lowest)? Default is `False`, which means that ordering is lowest (0) to highest (1). Returns ------- List[Decimal] """ return self.__get_cuts_values( alphas=alphas, order_by_alphas_from_one=order_by_alphas_from_one, value_type=AlphaCutSide.MAX, ) @staticmethod def _prepare_alphas(alpha_levels1: List[Decimal], alpha_levels2: List[Decimal]) -> List[Decimal]: """ Prepares list of alphas based on two input lists of alphas by selecting only distinct alpha values. Parameters ---------- alpha_levels1: List[Decimal] alpha_levels2: List[Decimal] Returns ------- List[Decimal] """ alphas = sorted(list(set.union(set(alpha_levels1), set(alpha_levels2)))) return alphas @staticmethod def __prepare_alphas_intervals( alpha_levels1: List[Decimal], alpha_levels2: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment] ) -> Tuple[List[Decimal], List[Interval]]: """ Prepares list of alphas and list of empty `Interval`s for provided alpha levels. Parameters ---------- alpha_levels1: List[Decimal] alpha_levels2: List[Decimal] Returns ------- (List[Decimal], List[Interval]) List of alpha values and list of empty intervals prepared for further use. """ if alpha_levels2 is None: alphas = sorted(list(set(alpha_levels1))) else: alphas = FuzzyNumber._prepare_alphas(alpha_levels1, alpha_levels2) intervals = [Interval(float("nan"), float("nan"))] * len(alphas) return alphas, intervals def membership(self, value: Union[float, int, Decimal]) -> FuzzyMembership: """ Get membership of value to this fuzzy number. Parameters ---------- value: Union[float, int, Decimal] Value to determine membership for. Args: value (Union[float, int, Decimal]): Value to determine membership for. Raises ------- TypeError If value is not integer, float or Decimal. Returns ------- FuzzyMembership """ if not isinstance(value, (int, float, Decimal)): raise TypeError( f"Cannot get membership of `{type(value).__name__}` in FuzzyNumber. Only implemented for " "`float`, `int`." ) if value not in self: return FuzzyMembership(0) elif self.kernel_min <= value <= self.kernel_max: return FuzzyMembership(1) else: last_alpha_containing = int(0) for i in range(len(self)): if value in self.alpha_cuts[i]: last_alpha_containing = i else: break y1 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing] y2 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing + 1] if ( self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min <= value and value <= self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min ): x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min else: x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].max x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].max k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) q = y1 - (k * x1) return FuzzyMembership((k * Decimal(value)) + q) y1 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing] y2 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing + 1] if ( self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min <= value and value <= self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min ): x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min else: x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].max x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].max k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) q = y1 - (k * x1) return FuzzyMembership((k * Decimal(value)) + q)
Static methods
def get_alpha_cut_values(number_of_parts: int) ‑> List[decimal.Decimal]
Returns alpha cut values for given number of parts.
- Number of alpha cuts to be returned.
- List of Decimal representing alphas.
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@staticmethod def get_alpha_cut_values(number_of_parts: int) -> List[Decimal]: """ Returns alpha cut values for given number of parts. Parameters ---------- number_of_parts: int Number of alpha cuts to be returned. Returns ------- List[Decimal] List of Decimal representing alphas. """ if not isinstance(number_of_parts, int) or number_of_parts <= 1: raise ValueError( "`number_of_cuts` has to be integer and higher than 1. " f"It is of type `{type(number_of_parts).__name__}` and value `{number_of_parts}`." ) number_of_parts = int(number_of_parts) values = [Decimal(0)] * number_of_parts i = 0 while i <= number_of_parts - 1: values[i] = FuzzyMathPrecision.prepare_alpha(Decimal(i) / (Decimal(number_of_parts) - Decimal(1))) i += 1 return values
Instance variables
var alpha_cuts : List[Interval]
Alpha cuts (intervals) for this fuzzy number.
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@property def alpha_cuts(self) -> List[Interval]: """ Alpha cuts (intervals) for this fuzzy number. Returns ------- List[Interval] """ return list(self._alpha_cuts.values())
var alpha_levels : List[decimal.Decimal]
Alpha levels for this fuzzy number.
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@property def alpha_levels(self) -> List[Decimal]: """ Alpha levels for this fuzzy number. Returns ------- List[Decimal] """ return self._alphas
var kernel : Interval
Kernel (alpha cut with membership value 1) for this fuzzy number.
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@property def kernel(self) -> Interval: """ Kernel (alpha cut with membership value 1) for this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Interval """ return self.get_alpha_cut(1)
var kernel_max : decimal.Decimal
Maximal kernel value of this fuzzy number.
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@property def kernel_max(self) -> Decimal: """ Maximal kernel value of this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Decimal """ return self.kernel.max
var kernel_min : decimal.Decimal
Minimal kernel value of this fuzzy number.
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@property def kernel_min(self) -> Decimal: """ Minimal kernel value of this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Decimal """ return self.kernel.min
var max : decimal.Decimal
Maximal value of this fuzzy number.
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@property def max(self) -> Decimal: """ Maximal value of this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Decimal """ return self.get_alpha_cut(0).max
var min : decimal.Decimal
Minimal value of this fuzzy number.
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@property def min(self) -> Decimal: """ Minimal value of this fuzzy number. Returns ------- Decimal """ return self.get_alpha_cut(0).min
def apply_function(self, function: Callable, *args, monotone: bool = False, number_elements: int = 1000, **kwargs) ‑> FuzzyNumber
Apply mathematical function to fuzzy number.
:(FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType)
- Function to apply to fuzzy number.
- Positional arguments for the
. monotone
- Is the function monotone? Default
. IfTrue
can significantly speed up calculation. number_elements
- Number of elements to divide fuzzy number into, if the function is not monotone. Default is
. kwargs
- Named arguments to pass into
- New
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def apply_function( self, function: Callable, *args, monotone: bool = False, number_elements: int = 1000, **kwargs ) -> FuzzyNumber: """ Apply mathematical function to fuzzy number. Parameters ---------- function: (FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType) Function to apply to fuzzy number. args Positional arguments for the `function`. monotone: bool Is the function monotone? Default `False`. If `True` can significantly speed up calculation. number_elements: int Number of elements to divide fuzzy number into, if the function is not monotone. Default is `1000`. kwargs Named arguments to pass into `function`. Returns ------- FuzzyNumber New `FuzzyNumber`. """ if not isinstance(function, (FunctionType, BuiltinFunctionType)): raise ValueError( "`function` must be either `FunctionType` or `BuiltinFunctionType`. `function` currently " f"is `{type(function)}`." ) if not isinstance(number_elements, (int, float)): raise ValueError( "`number_elements` must be either `int` or `float`. `number_elements` is currently " f"`{type(number_elements)}`." ) if not isinstance(monotone, bool): raise ValueError(f"`monotone` must be `bool`. `monotone` is currently `{monotone}`.") intervals: List[Interval] = [] alpha_levels = list(self.alpha_levels) alpha_levels.reverse() width = self.max - self.min i = 0 for alpha in alpha_levels: alpha_width = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).max - self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).min number_elements_cut = (alpha_width / width) * number_elements interval = self.get_alpha_cut(alpha).apply_function( function, *args, monotone=monotone, number_elements=number_elements_cut, **kwargs ) if i != 0: interval = interval.union_hull(intervals[i - 1]) intervals.append(interval) i += 1 intervals.reverse() return FuzzyNumber(self.alpha_levels, intervals)
def exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> PossibilisticMembership
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def exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return exceedance(self, fn_other)
def get_alpha_cut(self, alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal]) ‑> Interval
Extracts alpha cut specified by
:Union[str, int, float, Decimal]
- Value of alpha to extract alpha cut for. Must be from range [0, 1].
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def get_alpha_cut(self, alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal]) -> Interval: """ Extracts alpha cut specified by `alpha` variable. Parameters ---------- alpha: Union[str, int, float, Decimal] Value of alpha to extract alpha cut for. Must be from range [0, 1]. Returns ------- Interval """ alpha = self._validate_alpha(alpha) if alpha in self.alpha_levels: return self._alpha_cuts.get(alpha) # type: ignore [return-value] else: return self._calculate_alpha_cut(alpha)
def get_alpha_cuts_maxs(self, alphas: List[Decimal] = None, order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False) ‑> List[decimal.Decimal]
Extract maximal values of provided alpha cuts as list.
- Alphas to extract values for.
- Order alphas from one (highest) to zero (lowest)? Default is
, which means that ordering is lowest (0) to highest (1).
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def get_alpha_cuts_maxs( self, alphas: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment] order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False, ) -> List[Decimal]: """ Extract maximal values of provided alpha cuts as list. Parameters ---------- alphas: List[Decimal] Alphas to extract values for. order_by_alphas_from_one: bool Order alphas from one (highest) to zero (lowest)? Default is `False`, which means that ordering is lowest (0) to highest (1). Returns ------- List[Decimal] """ return self.__get_cuts_values( alphas=alphas, order_by_alphas_from_one=order_by_alphas_from_one, value_type=AlphaCutSide.MAX, )
def get_alpha_cuts_mins(self, alphas: List[Decimal] = None, order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False) ‑> List[decimal.Decimal]
Extract minimal values of provided alpha cuts as list.
- Alphas to extract values for.
- Order alphas from one (highest) to zero (lowest)? Default is
, which means that ordering is lowest (0) to highest (1).
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def get_alpha_cuts_mins( self, alphas: List[Decimal] = None, # type: ignore [assignment] order_by_alphas_from_one: bool = False, ) -> List[Decimal]: """ Extract minimal values of provided alpha cuts as list. Parameters ---------- alphas: List[Decimal] Alphas to extract values for. order_by_alphas_from_one: bool Order alphas from one (highest) to zero (lowest)? Default is `False`, which means that ordering is lowest (0) to highest (1). Returns ------- List[Decimal] """ return self.__get_cuts_values( alphas=alphas, order_by_alphas_from_one=order_by_alphas_from_one, value_type=AlphaCutSide.MIN, )
def membership(self, value: Union[float, int, Decimal]) ‑> FuzzyMembership
Get membership of value to this fuzzy number.
:Union[float, int, Decimal]
- Value to determine membership for.
:Union[float, int, Decimal]
- Value to determine membership for.
- If value is not integer, float or Decimal.
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def membership(self, value: Union[float, int, Decimal]) -> FuzzyMembership: """ Get membership of value to this fuzzy number. Parameters ---------- value: Union[float, int, Decimal] Value to determine membership for. Args: value (Union[float, int, Decimal]): Value to determine membership for. Raises ------- TypeError If value is not integer, float or Decimal. Returns ------- FuzzyMembership """ if not isinstance(value, (int, float, Decimal)): raise TypeError( f"Cannot get membership of `{type(value).__name__}` in FuzzyNumber. Only implemented for " "`float`, `int`." ) if value not in self: return FuzzyMembership(0) elif self.kernel_min <= value <= self.kernel_max: return FuzzyMembership(1) else: last_alpha_containing = int(0) for i in range(len(self)): if value in self.alpha_cuts[i]: last_alpha_containing = i else: break y1 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing] y2 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing + 1] if ( self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min <= value and value <= self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min ): x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min else: x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].max x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].max k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) q = y1 - (k * x1) return FuzzyMembership((k * Decimal(value)) + q) y1 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing] y2 = self._alphas[last_alpha_containing + 1] if ( self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min <= value and value <= self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min ): x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].min x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].min else: x1 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing].max x2 = self.alpha_cuts[last_alpha_containing + 1].max k = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) q = y1 - (k * x1) return FuzzyMembership((k * Decimal(value)) + q)
def necessity_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> decimal.Decimal
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def necessity_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return necessity_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def necessity_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> decimal.Decimal
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def necessity_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return necessity_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def necessity_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> decimal.Decimal
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def necessity_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return necessity_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def necessity_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> decimal.Decimal
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def necessity_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import necessity_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return necessity_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def possibility_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> decimal.Decimal
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def possibility_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return possibility_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def possibility_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> decimal.Decimal
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def possibility_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return possibility_strict_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def possibility_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> decimal.Decimal
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def possibility_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return possibility_strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def possibility_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> decimal.Decimal
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def possibility_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> Decimal: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import possibility_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return possibility_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> PossibilisticMembership
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def strict_exceedance(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import strict_exceedance # pylint: disable=C0415 return strict_exceedance(self, fn_other)
def strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> PossibilisticMembership
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def strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import strict_undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return strict_undervaluation(self, fn_other)
def undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) ‑> PossibilisticMembership
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def undervaluation(self, fn_other: FuzzyNumber) -> PossibilisticMembership: # pylint: disable=C0116 from .fuzzynumber_comparisons import undervaluation # pylint: disable=C0415 return undervaluation(self, fn_other)