Extract Local Horizons

used to extract visible horizons from local LoS


A tool used to extract visible horizons from local LoS.

Tool parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Description
Lines of Sight features - lines layer containing LoS.
ID observer Short field of the layer Lines of Sight that has data type Short. If the field has default name (OID_OBSERV) from tools in this toolbox then it is selected automatically.
Observer points offset field - double field of the layer Lines of Sight that has data type Double. If the field has default name (observ_offset) from tools in this toolbox then it is selected automatically.
ID target Short field of the layer Lines of Sight that has data type Short. If the field has default name (OID_TARGET) from tools in this toolbox then it is selected automatically.
Target points offset field - double field of the layer Lines of Sight that has data type Double. If the field has default name (target_offset) from tools in this toolbox then it is selected automatically.
Output feature layer features - points output layer.
Use earth curvature corrections? boolean should Earth's curvature and refraction corrections be used?
Refractivity coefficient numerical value coefficient value (default 0.13).

Parameters Use earth curvature corrections? and Refractivity coefficient in parameter group Curvature corrections.


Point feature class containing horizons, that has Z-dimension. The feature class has fields that allow connection with observer points (OID_OBSERV), target points (OID_TARGET) and also LoS (OID_LoS).

Besides that there are several attributes of horizons:

Field name Field type Description
Hor_Type Short value indicating if the horizon is highest horizon of LoS (value 1) or not (value 0).
ViewAngle Double vertical viewing angle from observer to the horizon. Units are degrees.
AngleDiff_H Double angle difference between viewing angle of this horizon and previous horizon. Value zero means that there is no previous horizon.
Dist_Observ Double distance from horizon to the observer.

Tool screenshot

Extract Local Horizons tool