Extract Limit Azimuths

Calculates the minimal and maximal azimuth for a set of LoS without a target that passes through a specified layer (either polygon or line).


Label Name Type Description
LoS layer LoSLayer [vector: line] LoS layer for calculation.
Object layer ObjectLayer [vector: line, polygon] The main object which determines the direction.
Objects layer ID field ObjectLayerID [tablefield: numeric] The field to identify objects from the Object layer.
Output table OutputTable [table] Table containing the result (without geometry).


Label Name Type Description
Output table OutputTable [table] Table containing the result (without geometry).

Fields in the output layer

  • id_observer - integer - value from expected field (id_observer) in LoSLayer
  • id_object - integer - value from field (ObjectLayerID) in ObjectLayer
  • minimal_azimuth - double - minimal azimuth LoS for given observer that passes by geometry in ObjectLayer
  • maximal_azimuth - double - maximal azimuth LoS for given observer that passes by geometry in ObjectLayer

Tool screenshot

Extract Limit Azimuths