Create Points by Azimuths

Creates a set of points at a specified distance from points in the input layer, spanning a given angle offset from the main direction layer.

The default values create points from angle 0 (north) to angle 360 (almost north) by one 1 degree, which means 360 points (one point per degree). But smaller section can be generated. For example just wedge from 90 to 180 degrees. It is possible to also select the opposite wedge by checking Goes trough north (0 or 360 degrees) option. That will generate values from 180 to 360 and then 0 to 90 to fulfill the requirement.


Label Name Type Description
Input point layer InputLayer [vector: point] Point layer around which the new points will be created.
ID field to assign to output IdField [tablefield: numeric] Field value to assign to id_original_point for the new layer.
Minimal angle AngleStart [number]

Angle (azimuth) at which the generation of points should start.
Maximal angle AngleEnd [number]

Angle (azimuth) at which the generation of points should end.
Goes trough north (0 or 360 degrees) OverNorth [boolean]

Default: True
Specify if the angle spans through North (azimuth 0). There are two ways to connect azimuths 90 - 270: one through south (over azimuth 180) and the other through north (azimuth 0 or 360).
Angle step AngleStep [number]

Determines density of point placement between Minimal angle and Maximal angle. Angular distance of points. Number of points will be (Maximal angle - Minimal angle) / AngleStep.
Distance Distance [number]

Distance from the original point at which the new points should be created.
Output layer OutputLayer [vector: point] Output layer containing the new points.


Label Name Type Description
Output layer OutputLayer [vector: point] Output layer containing the new points.

Fields in the output layer

  • id_original_point - integer - value from field specified in ID field to assign to output
  • azimuth - double - azimuth from original point to the given output point
  • angle_step_between_points - double - azimuth step between individual points

Tool screenshot

Create points around