Export Line of Sight into CSV

tool for exporting LoS into CSV format


A tool for exporting LoS into format that can be processed outside ArcGIS.

Tool parameters

Parameter name Parameter type Description
Lines of Sight features - lines layer containing LoS.
Line of Sight ID id - select box ID of the LoS to be exported.
Output file file name and locations of the CSV that will be created.
Include offsets? boolean export only LoS without observer and target offsets or include the offsets in LoS? Default value is to include the offsets.
Global Line of Sight? boolean is the LoS global? The tool tries to determine if the LoS is global based on typical fields. Warning message is shown if the tool determines that the LoS is global and this option is not checked. Default value is false.
Observer point offset field - double field of the layer Lines of Sight that has data type Double. If the field has default name observ_offset from tools in this toolbox then it is selected automatically.
Target point offset field - double field of the layer Lines of Sight that has data type Double. If the field has default name target_offset from tools in this toolbox then it is selected automatically.
Target point X coordinate field - double field of the layer Lines of Sight that has data type Double. If the field has default name target_x from tools in this toolbox then it is selected automatically.
Target point Y coordinate field - double field of the layer Lines of Sight that has data type Double. If the field has default name target_y from tools in this toolbox then it is selected automatically.
Use earth curvature corrections? boolean should Earth's curvature and refraction corrections be used? Default value is no.
Refractivity coefficient numerical value coefficient value (default 0.13).

Parameters Observer point offset and Target point offset are summarized in parameter group Offsets, parameters Target point X coordinate and Target point Y coordinate in parameter group Global Line of Sight and parameters Use earth curvature corrections? and Refractivity coefficient in parameter group Curvature corrections


CSV file delimited by ";" with header "distance";"elevation" if LoS is local and "distance";"elevation";"target point" if the LoS is global. Field "target point" have value 1 if the point is target point and 0 otherwise.

Tool screenshot

Export Line of Sight into CSV tool