Simplify Polygon Lines

Tool that allows to generalized only inner (shared) or outer borders polygon layer.

!!! Note that event thought that the tools tries as much as possible to return the same layer (in terms of features, not geometries obviously), it is quite possible that the layers won't fit together. Number of features may change and some it might be problematic or not possible to join attributes back to features. This tool should only be used to create layers for visualization and the outcome should be double checked for potential errors.


Label Name Type Description
Input layer Input [vector] Input vector layer to convert.
Simplify % Simplify [number]
Default: 50
Simplify to this percent of vertices from original layer.
Simplification method Method [enumeration]
Default: 0
Type of simplification method.

0 - Douglas-Peucker
1 - Visvalingam
Generalize polygon's lines Lines [enumeration]
Default: 0
Which lines should be generalized.

0 - Inner lines
1 - Outer lines
Clean data prior and after simplification CleanData [boolean]
Default: False
Should the data be cleaned using mapshapers -clean before and after performing other steps?
Output Layer Output [vector] Simplified vector layer.


Label Name Type Description
Output Layer Output [vector] Simplified vector layer.

Output file does not store information about used CRS!

Tool screenshot

Simplify Polygon Lines