Create Points in Direction

Create set of points at given distance from points from input layer that span given angle offset from main direction layer.

The default value produces range of values [-20;20] by one angle from azimuth of point in main direction layer.


Label Name Type Description
Input point layer InputLayer [vector: point] Point layer around which the new points will be created.
Main direction point layer DirectionLayer [vector: point] Point layer (containing only one point) that specifies main direction.
ID field to assign to output IdField [tablefield: numeric] Field value to assign to id_original_point for new layer.
Angle offset from the main direction AngleOffset [number]

Offset from main direction, the whole range is [main azimuth - angleOffset;main azimuth + angleOffset].
Angle step AngleStep [number]

Determines density of point placement between Minimal angle and Maximal angle. Angular distance of points. Number of points will be (Maximal angle - Minimal angle) / AngleStep.
Distance Distance [number]

How far from the original point the new points should be created.
Output layer OutputLayer [vector: point] Output layer containing points.


Label Name Type Description
Output layer OutputLayer [vector: point] Output layer containing points.

Fields in the output layer

  • id_original_point - integer - value from field specified in ID field to assign to output
  • azimuth - double - azimuth from point in Input point layer to point in Main direction point layer
  • id_point - integer - unique id value for the point
  • difference_to_main_azimuth - double - difference of main point azimuth to this point's azimuth
  • angle_step_between_points - double - azimuth step between individual points

Tool screenshot

Create points in direction